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The Wagon Wheel House
The Wagon Wheel House
Sample Rental Agreement & Waiver

Feel free to Download and Familiarize yourself with it .
This is essentially the Document you will sign @ Vehicle Rental - we are always updating
It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to get into any kind of trouble, unless you try to.
And we know trouble is NOT why you've come to enjoy God's Great Outdoors!
We've never had an injury nor a vehicle claim. Don't expect to, either.
IF you want -AND HAVE MINORS THAT WILL be Riding, you can DOWNLOAD, print and FILL OUT the Last 2 Pages = Attachment A & B
It can save some time upon Check Out.
It's NOT a Problem if you don't, we can do it all here.
FWIW: For normal folks, who are NOT Attorneys, the Rental Agreement basically says: YOU, the Renter, are responsible for the Vehicle
and the SAFETY of yourself and any Passengers. Simple.
You are essentially insuring the Vehicle. Our insurance picks up after yours ends.
If your Policy doesn't pay, you are committing that YOU will.
You promise to Drive SAFELY, to NOT go where you're not supposed to go,
to use Common Sense, to be in touch if you have a problem and
fill the Tank w/ 91 Octane before you return it.
Pretty much regular stuff that any normal adult would expect and adhere to.
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